The alumnus of Architecture Engineering, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (Bandung) batch of 1986, used to be one of the choristers of the renown Parahyangan Catholic University Choir, and actively performing in various concerts and competitions in Indonesia as well as in other countries. Now residing in Singapore, she spends her time by painting and she has passion in social activities. Her frequent visit to many countries has really made her see the importance of child education and motivated her to gather supports for child education in Indonesia in the forms of funds and facilities. This is what has spurred her on to found Yayasan Arsitek 86 Peduli (ars86care).
She got her degree in Architecture from Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (Bandung). She started the seven years of her career with the major property developer, and the following five years coordinating retail and apartment projects. She was involved in the marketing team of a digital mapping product in Jakarta. With Kreative Design Studio, she was in charge of producing communication-information-education materials on child rights for an international non-government organization. She also designed Bungong Jaroe Aceh, a trilingual book (in Aceh language, Indonesian, and English) created by a native Aceh presented as a token of appreciation to national and international donors. Currently she is doing freelance work as an architect and graphic designer. She also handles the production non-commercial printing products.
She got her degree in Architecture from Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (Bandung) and her Master’s degree in Philosophy from Islamic College (London, UK), and Universitas Paramadina (Jakarta). She has over twenty years of experience in architecture, masterplanning, site planning, urban design, and architecture design guidelines in Indonesia as well as in other countries. She has won several awards in architecture and masterplanning projects in Indonesia. Currently she is working as an architect, urban designer, and illustrator. With Yayasan Arsitek 86 Peduli (ars86care), she contributes her expertise and promotes Child Spaces in Child Friendly Cities.
An architect, urban designer, and illustrator. Graduated in 1991 from Parahyangan University Bandung, joined Atelier 6, an architecture firm in Jakarta as architect and urban designer for 4 years. She has over 20 years experience in architecture, master planning, site planning, urban design and architecture design guidelines. She won several awards in architecture and master planning projects in Indonesia. Currently, she involves in several master planning projects. She is also one of the founders of ars86care.org, a nonprofit group of architect to serve the environment, children and education, where she contributes her expertise as Program Director in philanthropic area and promotes Child Spaces in Child Friendly City.
She got her degree in Architecture from Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (Bandung). She also got her Diploma with distinction and her Master’s degree in Urban Design from Joint Centre for Urban Design, Oxford Brookes University (Oxford, UK). She gained her expertise in this field from various companies in Indonesia and abroad. Currently she is the Senior Urban Designer and works in Doha, Qatar. However, distance doesn’t hinder her in getting actively involved in Yayasaan Arsitek 86 Peduli (ars86care).
Having a degree in Architecture Engineering from Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (Bandung) batch of 1986, she got her degree of Master of Business Administration from Manchester Business School, United Kingdom (UK). Now residing in Manchester, UK, she had an experience working for a prominent construction management consultant bureau in Indonesia. Since 2003 she has been actively involved in Komuniti Jakmangrove, a community with the special interest in urban forests and helps mangrove reforestation in Taman Wisata Alam Angke Kapuk, in the northern part of Jakarta.
He got his degree in Architecture from Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (Bandung) and he has over twenty years of experience in this field that led him to the top management of a design firm in Jakarta. His passion in sharing is conducted by actively involved in Yayasan Arsitek 86 Peduli (ars86care) as a Program Coordinator and now the Chairman.
Having a degree in Architecture Engineering from Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (Bandung), he has profound experience in architectural planning and design. With his skills, he has been involved in various projects, including Kawasan Garuda Wisnu Kencana (Bali) and projects of PLN in Aceh and West Java. His passion in sharing is channeled by getting involved in Yayasan Arsitek 86 Peduli (ars86care).
Having a degree in Architecture Engineering from Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (Bandung), he got his Master’s degree in Management from IPPM Jakarta. He used to be an active member of Indonesia’s organization of entrepreneurs and giving lectures at his alma mater, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan. He also held the top position of various companies: design, construction developer, investment management, auction, and community magazine. Being involved in a foundation of social activities is not new for him. He is currently the principal architect and interior design consultant for Mar’at Architects.
After getting his degree in architecture from Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, he started his profession in the United States. He frequently attended entertainment project workshops abroad. He is currently the leader of operation division in one of the leading construction and development companies in Indonesia.
He got his degree in Architecture from Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (Bandung) and he currently runs his business in construction, interior designing, and investment in property. He also administers apartment units in strategic places in Jakarta.
He got his degree in Architecture from Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (Bandung) and his Master’s degree in Urban Planning from Institut Teknologi Bandung. With his fellow architects, he founded a consultant firm in Bandung. Currently he works as an architect, urban planner and consultant to various projects in Lampung, West Java, Bali, East Kalimantan, and South Sulawesi. He is very concerned about environment friendly urban design, and his designs always focus on optimalizing the use of natural resources. This is also his reason of joining Yayasan Arsitek 86 Peduli (ars86care).
Currently works as free-lance Urban Designer and Architect, collaborating on ex-mining site development in private sector and become an expert for several consultants (architecture and urban design).
She has a degree in Finance and Banking Management from STIE Perbanas (Jakarta). She has lots of experience in accounting and finance from many prominent private companies in Indonesia, the experience of which led her to the top management. She is actively involved with Yayasan Arsitek 86 Peduli (ars86care) by being in charge of finance.
Having a Bachelor's Degree in Communication, Anjani has experiences in event organization, production as well as teaching English. In 2015, she joined ars86care foundation to contribute her skills in public relations as well as fundraising.
Having Diploma in Computerized Accounting from STMIK BSI Jakarta, she joined ars86care foundation to contribute her skill in administration in 2018.