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13 Dec 22

‘ANAK INDONESIA BERBAGI BAHAGIA 2’ from ars86care foundation Support Kindergarten Teachers’ Training Program in Boyolali Municipality


On the 18th of December 2022, Anak Indonesia Berbagia Bahagia will grace your screen for season 2. This year, ars86care foundation will collaborate with Aksi Cinta Indonesia and Houston House of Angklung to present a series of drama musical performances as well as Angklung performances from children across the globe.


Last year, our event has successfully raised funds to help build Pelemrejo Kindergarten Village in Boyolali Municipality. This year, we dedicate the event to support ars86care foundation Teacher’s Training Program, which will help elevate and increase capacity for kindergarten teachers across Boyolali Municipality. The urgency to help these teachers came to our attention as children need to get ready for a world where climate change needs to be addressed, as well as shaping future Indonesian leaders. Children in their "golden age" will learn to reach their fullest potential with the support of their environment as well as educated teachers. Our goal is to help these teachers gain proper access to certified training and current materials to help address climate action.


Anak Indonesia Berbagi Bahagia is a representation on how children can help their teachers by showcasing their talent in music, drama performances as well as Angklung skills. Their musical talent will be presented in a series of drama musical performance by Aksi Cinta Indonesia children who are no stranger to creating beautiful melody and tunes. We are also very privilege to have Houston House of Angklung who have been eager to share their own journey in promoting traditional Angklung play amongst Indonesian people as well as locals in Houston, Texas, America.


Watch Anak Indonesia Berbagi Bahagia from home, via zoom on Sunday, 18th of December 2022, 09.00-11.00 WIB. Watch and donate for IDR 75.000, to support ars86care foundation’s Teachers Training Program in 2023. Please see the attached link to register.


Get the opportunity to watch and donate online so you can help support kindergarten teachers in Boyolali Municipality in shaping the minds of the future.

13 Dec 2022