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"Teaching and learning process amidst pandemic situation is quite a challenge for all of us, the educators, parents, and students. We are required to be more creative and adaptive due to the limitations we had, and having good collaboration between all parties,” said Ms. Sumiyarti, S.Pd., principal of Pertiwi Kindergarten in Kunti village.
“Each student has various devices to support their learning from home process, and not all have the similar condition between one another. Parents are not prepared to teach and accompany their children doing their used-to-be school days tasks; they became overwhelmed as well as teachers. Received good news about the foundation selection process brings us joy and hope. We are very grateful to know that there are people who genuinely care about us”, continuing Ms. Endang Pujiyati, S.Pd.AUD, principal of Pertiwi Kindergarten in Kedunglengkong village.
Pertiwi Kindergarten in Kedunglengkong village and Kunti village are two beneficiary schools in Boyolali Municipality, which recently joined the ars86care foundation’s School Partners. The MOU signing ceremony on 22nd of January 2021 marked the beginning of the collaboration between the 9th and 10th schools in Boyolali Municipality and the 34th and 35th schools of ars86care Foundation’s School Partners. As the foundation’s new partner on the 2021 1st semester program, the school construction process is scheduled to begin in the second week of February 2021 and is expected to complete in June 2021.
2021 mark the 14th year of ars86care Foundation's mission to promote and create a child-friendly space as an effort in fulfilling one of the children's rights to obtain a proper education. Hopefully, all the hard work, dedication, and commitment of all the parties involved will generate sustainable results for the school in particular, as well as for the village community in general.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the donors for their trust in ars86care foundation programs and their concern for early childhood education development in Indonesia. Hopefully, the pandemic will end very soon so the children can immediately make use of the newly built school and return to learning and playing together.