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On the 18th December 2022, ars86care foundation held our annual end-of-year charity event, Anak Indonesia Berbagi Bahagia 2. This year we are happy to once again collaborate with Aksi Cinta Indonesia as well as establish a new partnership with Houston House of Angklung, Texas, USA.
The online event was attended by 37 school partners from Demak, Grobogan, Gunungkidul, and Boyolali Municipality, as well as their students, who watched together from each school. Other participants donated tickets for these children to watch and to support ars8c6are foundation in 2023.
Since our establishment our main goal is to create a safe space for children to learn and play, we channel that through infrastructure provision of kindergarten in rural places of Central Java and Special Region of Yogyakarta. Each area established; we give additional support to the school in a form of Teachers' Training. This is an important step in our program, which we will enforce in 2023.
Our aim in 2023 is to provide training for Kindergarten Village teachers in Boyolali Municipality. “Anak Indonesia Berbagi Bahagia” created a medium for people to support our cause by donating and watching the children musical showcase safely from home. Musical from Home by Aksi Cinta Indonesia grace the screen with theatrical performances with an important message to save our rainforest and animals beautifully sung from children across Indonesia.
The Houston House of Angklung from Texas contributed to the show by delivering endearing angklung performances from its members, which included Indonesian women and children living in Texas who advocate for angklung as an important Indonesian musical heritage. Amongst the beautiful performances, children from Demak, Grobogan, Gunungkidul, and Boyolali Municipality also showcased their talent through our short video challenge, where each school representative created short cheers where children passionately choreographed their movements.
Each support we received brought us much closer to our goal in conducting teachers' training in 2023. At the end of the event, the total donation received from our kind donors will be allocated to the training program for kindergarten teachers in Boyolali Municipality. A special thank you to Aksi Cinta Indonesia and Houston House of Angklung who have supported us immensely in Anak Indonesia Berbagi Bahagia. Also, a special thank you to the donors and everyone involved in Anak Indonesia Berbagi Bahagia 2. See you next year!