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01 Nov 21

Anak Indonesia Berbagi Bahagia is a Children Virtual Musical between ars86care foundation and Aksi Cinta Indonesia supported by Bagusföreningen Sweden


Two years ago Covid19 Pandemic hit the world globally. Today, we are still facing many uncertainties regarding the pandemic, but try to move forward with a positive mind. Ars86care foundation together with Aksi Cinta Indonesia will welcome the month of December with a tune of hope to bring joy before saying goodbye to 2021. An eventful of musical acts will be presented in a virtual showcase on December 12th 2021.


From Children to Children becomes the main theme of the event. Children from around Indonesia will showcase their musical talent including drama musical, singing as well as a spectacular piano performances to help children in Pertiwi Pelemrejo Kindrergarten gain access to a quality early childhood education. Pertiwi Pelemrejo Kindergarten was established in 1989 and has never had its own building despite the need from the village to provide a Kindergarten. Today, they are using the Primary’s extra classroom for school activities. One month's school fee for these children equals to a burger in a fast food chain or approximately 25K. Even with that amount, parents are still constantly struggling to meet the need.


The Indonesian community in Sweden under the name Bagusföreningen has been actively promoting Indonesian culture through activities such as traditional dances and traditional instrumental music. They will show their support through a performance of “Kodok Ngorek” in Swedish language. Who knew a very well known Indonesian song here has the very same tune, meaning and rhythm in Sweden. The Ambassador of Indonesia in Sweden also shows his support to everyone who are involved, especially to the Indonesian community who are making a positive impact and longing to be back home in Indonesia.


Around 100 children are participating in the event. Children from across Indonesia who have made it pass audition for the Musical from Home drama will once again perform. There will also be a special performance from 9 young pianists who will show their skill, playing Indonesian folk traditional songs. A special appearance will be made by children in Pertiwi Pelemrejo Kindergarten.


ars86care foundation has been actively working for the children’s right, education as well as their environment for 15 years. Founded by 5 women architects who graduated from University of Parahyangan Bandung (Ria Asumpta, Harini Septiana, Ken SA Wilson, Dessi Rajino and Marini Widowati). To date, ars86care foundation has provided 36 Kindergarten Village across Demak, Grobogan, Gunungkidul and Boyolali Municipality. Each year 1,200 children beneficiaries receive a proper child friendly school infrastructure which is also equipped with a child friendly room and playground for children in the village to safely play. To date, ars86care foundation still actively promotes a safe space for children to learn and play as part of the UN summit to support children’s rights. The right environment will be the best stimuli for children in their golden age.


To watch and donate, please click the link below


Through this Virtual Musical act, children will give support to their fellow friends who are less fortunate. Through music and singing, hopefully spirit will be lifted up and blossom into caring for one another, to the environment and to Indonesia.

01 Nov 2021