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ince our first establishment in 2007, ars86care foundation have worked with communities, individuals, corporate and organizations in providing better access to a quality early childhood education in Indonesia. Several forms of contributions are involved, not limited to funding, extensive networks, expertise, material supplies and volunteering activities. It's an honor to have a total of 35 school communities as our School Partner, spreading across Demak, Grobogan and Boyolali Municipality in Central Java, as well as Gunungkidul Municipality in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.
Going through challenging times during the pandemic, we managed continuing the program with some adjustment implemented in order to fulfil our commitment in providing better access to early childhood education for children in rural areas. After a completing two schools in the first semester of 2021, on the 14th of August 2021, we gratefully start our 11th school renovation program in Boyolali Area under the Space to Build program, that is Pertiwi 1 Senting Kindergarten in Senting Village, Sambi District, which become the foundation's 36th school partner. An MoU signing took place in Senting Village Office. The event was held with strict Covid-19 protocols between representatives from the school community and ars86care foundation. Attending the event, Dewi Wikhe represented ars86care foundation and Mr. Sarif Widodo, M, pd.I, from the school management of Pertiwi 1 Senting Kindergarten. In addition, Pertiwi 1 Senting Kindergarten’s principal, Mrs. Sri Haryanti S.pd PAUD was also present, accompanied by Mr. Suyoto as the Head of Senting Village Head, the Head of Sambi District, and the Regional Coordinator of the Primary & Informal Education Sambi District. This shows the community support in providing a better education for the children of Senting village.
At the MoU signing event, Mrs. Sri Haryanti, Principal of Pertiwi 1 Senting Kindergarten, also expressed her gratitude that the children in Senting Village will soon have a proper school building that can support their learning activities. Currently, the condition of Pertiwi 1 Senting Kindergarten building is considered insufficient and unfit to serve its purpose. Leaky roof, broken wooden beam and termite-infected roof structures become endanger to the activities below. Otherwise, the location of the school is easily-accessible for the children in the surrounding area, even from nearby villages; this potentially support the growth of the school years ahead. Current school physical condition become one of some reasons that limit the school’s possibility in accommodating more students.
The school construction process has started on the 18th of August 2021 and is projected to complete in early January 2022. Facilities equipped with Covid-19 response features at Pertiwi 1 Senting Kindergarten hopefully will be ready to accommodate offline learning activities with some requirements set by the Education Ministry office. Trust and contributions from our donors helps children in Indonesia make their dream come true.
And last but not least, the enthusiastic support from family and friends of the ars86care foundation who have been working together hand in hand to advance the education of Indonesian children in the last 14 years.