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15 Dec 21

Ars86care foundation in collaboration with Aksi Cinta Indonesia and Bagusföreningen from Sweden, held a Music from Home performance to raise funds for the construction of a Kindergarten in Pelemrejo village in Boyolali Municipality.


ars86care foundation, with the collaboration of Aksi Cinta Indonesia and Bagusföreningen from Sweden, held a virtual performance in December with the theme Indonesian Children Sharing Happiness (Anak Indonesia Berbagi Bahagia) featuring children's songs and music from home. They refused to let COVID-19 pandemic stop them from creating art and sharing happiness with others. What's special about this virtual show is that the process involves approximately 100 children from all over Indonesia as well as Indonesian children in Sweden. These children shoot amateur audio and video from their homes and then with the help of professionals, the videos are put together into a series of shows to enjoy. Anak Indonesia Berbagi Bahagia is also supported by Credit Suisse, Batik Air, I Need Sticker, Cendana Musik Probolinggo, Raienoloys Music, Let The Music Begin, and Main Music Channel.


Anak Indonesia Berbagi Bahagia is an event by children for children whose purpose is to raise funds to build a school for Kindergarten children in Pelemrejo village, Boyolali Municipality, Central Java. Currently learning activities are being done at the village hall or at the nearest elementary school. During his speech, Riyadi Djoko Ekariyanto, the chairman of ars86care foundation, expressed how grateful he was to all the children who contributed voluntarily to the event, and how he hoped that the love for the homeland and empathy for other people in Indonesia would continue to be maintained.


476 tickets were sold, thanks to the participants who purchased tickets to the musical and the donations by the Paguyuban Mitra Yayasan Arsitek 86 Peduli in Demak, Grobogan, Boyolali, and Gunungkidul, who funded the purchase of tickets for kindergarten children in these Municipalities. Children from the Pelemrejo village also contributed to sing a song to express their gratitude with the song called Bintang Kejora. Total donations from ticket sales at this event cover the funds needed for the construction of the Pelemrejo village kindergarten in Boyolali district. The construction of the school will be carried out during semester 1 of 2022. The development process can be monitored through social media Instagram and Facebook ars86care foundation (@ars86care).


Guided by 3 talented young MCs, Nasha, Adi, and Mia from Aksi Cinta Indonesia, as well as Anjani Sasikirana from ars86care, the musical performance of Indonesian Children Sharing Happiness (Anak Indonesia Berbagi Bahagia) was warmly welcomed by the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the Kingdom of Sweden and the Republic of Latvia, Mr. Kamapradipta Isnomo.


Opening the event's first part, 34 children from 13 different cities in Indonesia sang a medley of songs dedicated to mothers: Si Patokaan, Bunda Piara, Soleram, and Mother's Love. The 34 children appeared cheerfully dancing and singing in colorful traditional Indonesian costumes from various regions.


Anak Indonesia Berbagi Bahagia also showcased the works of Indonesian children who are members of Bagusföreningen. Bagusföreningen (Svensk-Indonesiska Bagus Föreningen) or the Bagus Indonesian Swedish Association, established 5 years ago in the city of Malmö, the third largest city in Sweden. It is a community consisting of mixed Indonesian-Swedish families originating from the city of Malmö and its surroundings and chaired by Mr. Hans Hansson, who has been helping to promote Indonesia in Sweden for more than 30 years. Bagusföreningen performed several songs, including the song Små grodorna or little frogs and Ida Sommarvisa's song, which is usually sung in summer. It also shows the daily life of children in Sweden who are playing and singing with their fathers. In Sweden, fathers play a major role in taking care of the children on a daily basis.


Works of Aksi Cinta Indonesia with the theme of goodness and happiness performed for 40 minutes in the form of a virtual children's musical drama performed by children from various cities spread across Indonesia. Although the production process is carried out from home by each actor, the costumes and appearances of the children are prepared no less seriously than the actual show. The children managed to put on an interesting show filled with an artistic combination of stories, music, songs and artistic background images.


The main performance during Anak Indonesia Berbagi Bahagia was the introductory performance of a piano duet arrangement of traditional, national songs and even a dolanan song by Let The Music Begin which was played beautifully by talented young pianists from various cities in Indonesia, namely

  • Helga (Magelang) and Vanessa (Probolinggo), performing TANAH AIR, 
  • Kevin (Blora) and Arwen (Pontianak), performing a traveling themed songs such as medley of “Kring-Kring Ada Sepeda, Naik Kereta Api and Naik Delman”
  • Kenneth (Blora) and Bara, performing a duet of BURUNG KUTILANG
  • Donna (Temanggung) and Wilson (Jakarta), performing DOLANAN songs such as a medley of Cublak Suweng, Ular Naga and Padang Bulan 
  • Adi (Probolinggo) and Alicia (Probolinggo), performing SYMPHONY of PASUNDAN such as a medley of Dari Sabang Sampai Merauke, Manuk Dadali and Cingcangkeling

Anai Indonesia Berbagi Bahagia is a special musical performance because it succeeded in bringing together children across cities and even across countries, united for a good cause, sharing goodness and joy with friends in Pelemrejo Kindergarten Boyolali so that Pelemrejo children can reach their happiness in the form of a new school building to be built by the ars86care foundation.


15 Dec 2021