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In the second week of last September, for three (3) days, PAUD teachers, both formal PAUD (Kindergarten) and non-formal PAUD (Pos PAUD, BKB, SPS) from the sub-districts of Cepogo, Sawit, Sambi, Simo, Andong, and Kemusu, busy with Capacity Building activities. The activity took place in the Simo sub-district hall and the Boyolali 5 Middle School hall. The Head of the Boyolali district Education Service, Mr Supana, S.Pd, M.Pd, and by the Head of the PAUD Division, Mr Suwadi, S.Pd gave opening speech at the first day of the training. The activity was organized by the ars86care foundation (Architect86 Care Foundation) in collaboration with the Boyolali district Education Office, supported by the Boyolali district Kindergarten Teachers Association and the Architects86 care Foundation Partners Association.
This interactive teachers’ training begins with the teachers' task of recognizing their own potential, recognizing the potential of their friends in their group, compiling a picture of the ideal PAUD educator, strengthening work teams, followed by the introduction of child-oriented methods in the form of inquiry methods. A role play was set up where the participant acted as children, whom encouraged to develop a high sense of curiosity about an object and actively ask questions, while the teacher serves as a facilitator. The capacity building activity ended with a competition to make Creative Teaching Tools, namely educational teaching aids from used materials, with an assessment including creativity and innovation as well as neatness and benefits for literacy or numeracy learning. These educational teaching aids need to be stored neatly and easily accessed by children, so that children are given the opportunity to choose learning materials that are of interest to children, in accordance with the concept of freedom to Learn (Merdeka Belajar).
The six (6) sub-districts that are the target recipients of Capacity Building assistance, namely Cepogo, Sawit, Sambi, Simo, Andong, and Kemusu, are the locations of formal village PAUDs that receive physical assistance for school buildings from the 86 Cares Architects Foundation. The capacity building activities for teachers from each PAUD unit in the sub-district are the impact of the physical assistance activities that have been carried out, namely a total of 12 formal PAUD buildings. With this Capacity Building activity, it is hoped that teachers will be re-motivated to carry out teaching and learning activities in their respective PAUD units and begin developing towards the freedom to learn (Merdeka Belajar) curriculum.