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Dear Friends and Family of ars86care foundation
As we bid farewell to 2022, we'd like to thank everyone for your continued support of the ars86care foundation.
We are proud as an organization to have accomplished projects that are meaningful for our beneficiaries in 2022. Among the projects, we handed over Pelemrejo Kindergarten in Boyolali Municipality, making it our 37th kindergarten village. We also conducted six webinars that helped strengthen our teacher communities in Demak, Grobogan, Gunungkidul, as well as Boyoali Municipality.
In 2023, we plan to continue building Kindergarten Village and provide them a safe space to learn and play, as well as conduct our 19th Teachers Training Program for teachers in Boyolali Municipality.
Let’s continue to work together to build the minds of the future!
Wishing you and your family health, love, joy, peace, and happiness!
Yours sincerely,
Riyadi D. Ekariyanto
Chairman of ars86care foundation