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Ars86care foundation hosted its third webinar of the year, "School Facility Maintenance for ars86care School Partner," on July 2nd, 2022. The webinar was attended by 37 ars86care foundation school partners from Demak, Grobogan, Gunungkidul, and Boyolali Municipality.
Since 2012, ars86care foundation has helped to build 37 village kindergarten schools in Central Java and Special Region Yogyakarta through its program, the Space to Build. Within 10 years, ars86care foundation has collaborated with school communities in Demak, Grobogan, Gunungkidul, and Boyolali municipality. The program's goal is to facilitate early childhood education communities with proper infrastructure in order to accommodate the children to learn and play safely. The webinar will provide insight into the importance of maintaining as well as properly caring for each school building for sustainability purposes.
To evaluate the condition and to gather updated information from each school partner, teachers were asked to fill in a pre-event questionnaire. Based on the feedback, the Research and Development department evaluates and reviews each school's recent conditions. The feedback is required to improve the Foundation’s further improvement, as well as give options to school communities in having knowledge for problem solving and solution-based discussion during the webinar. Sharing from other schools has also become important, since it can be adopted in other communities from different areas.
As a motivational challenge to the teachers in regards of building maintenance and facility optimization, school partners had been challenged to present what they have done and why it is important in a video challenge. This presentation can also include all the school communities, not limited to students, their parents, and village neighborhood. The winner of the challenge will be announced in the August webinar.