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"It takes a village to raise a child" - African proverb
Family is the closest environment a child comes in contact with in their daily life, within the family itself and the house their under. In terms of guidance and child character development, not only does the mother and father involvement takes place but most of the time their extended family has a key role in this so does the community they live in.
A community who is aware of the importance of working together in facilitating children with a child friendly space will invest in the child’s character building. It takes mutual work within the stakeholders to plan a strategy and its implementation
Each party who are involved in facilitating a child friendly educational tool has the right to express their opinions. Not only in terms of the parents, teachers, school committee, local community, but also children as the main beneficiaries.
ars86care foundation together with school community, and local community, work hand in hand in facilitating a child friendly space for kindergarten schools in Tepus area, Gunung Kidul Region. This attempt is executed through several important processes which mainly focus on community based programs, maximizing natural resources and sustainability. To elevate the working process with the community, we start since the very beginning from the assessment process, construction work, volunteering event and evaluation process.
Children as beneficiaries, also has their role in the decision making process by participating in choosing the mural theme for the classrooms, and deciding the kind of playground they want. Meanwhile the community showcases their commitment through working hand in hand during the construction process for example dismantling the old building (a local ritual they like to call “gugur gunung”), they are also apart of managing the field team, and active during evaluation period. The head villagers, also play an important role in helping facilitate the land that are ready for construction, they also act as liaison for the local community.
Through working together within the community in each level of the process we expect to achieve these standardized child friendly schools in particular for these children in their early childhood. If every person in the community can develop the same believe towards this, then it can also raise the sense of necessity and responsibility towards maintaining the schools, natural resources, and educational tools that are provided.