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21 Jan 22

Hand Over Ceremony of ars86care’s 36th School Partner, Pertiwi 1 Senting Kindergarten


On the 17th of December 2021, Pertiwi 1 Senting kindergarten had been handed over from ars86care foundation’s Chairman, Mr. Riyadi D. Ekariyanto to Mr. Sarif Widodo as the Head of School committee. Accompanying Mr. Sarif Widodo, Head of Senting Village Mr. Suyoto, Head of Cambi district, Mrs. Sawitri Danik, Head of Ministry of Education and Culture Municipality Body Mr. Darmanto and Regional Coordinator of PAUD of Sambi District, Mr. Mulyo Harjono, attended the event as well. Due to strict Covid-19 protocols, other invitees was participated through Zoom Meeting.


As one of two village-owned kindergarten schools, Pertiwi 1 Senting is located in the center of the village. The school could no longer accommodate the number of children and the building was also very poorly constructed. Lack previous condition of the schools whereas accommodating large number of children in the area (it never has students less than 40 each year), renovation of Pertiwi Senting 1 Kindergarten has become a priority. The renovation process started on 18th of August 2021. The new building is equipped with 2 classrooms, 1 teacher’s office, 2 toilets, pantry as well as an outdoor playground. With this newly equipped child-friendly facility, we hope the people in Senting Village could optimize the usage of the child friendly facility for generations to come.


Pertiwi Senting 1 Kindergarten is the 36th school partner of ars86care foundation, the 11th constructed in Boyolali Municipality, under the Space to Build Program. In the speech given by Mr. Darmanto as Head of Ministry of Education and Culture Municipality Body, he acknowledges the importance of collaboration works with non-government organizations to help early childhood education in Boyolali Municipality. “We appreciate ars86care foundation put efforts on education sector in Boyolali, especially in early childhood education. We realize that we cannot do this alone, therefore we need to collaborate with other organization to reach same destination, that is the quality of early childhood education in Boyolali Municipality,” said Mr. Darmanto.


He added, the majority of kindergarten entities in Boyolali is managed by private sectors, therefore support from community plays a huge role in this educational system. “The majority of kindergarten in Boyolali Municipality are managed by the private sector, Pertiwi Kindergarten under local government likewise. With almost each village has at least one Pertiwi kindergarten school means the community has a significant role in educational system”. Community support was one of many important components in the early assessment stage of the program, as well as parents-teachers collaboration in implementing service and maintenance stages in the long run.


We would like to extend our gratitude to all of our donors, Bapak Suwantara Gotama, Ibu Maria A. Sitohang, and Credit Suisse NA as well as individuals (Sahabat Anak Indonesia) who have given their full support in ars86care foundation program in creating a proper access to a quality early childhood education in Indonesia, specifically in Senting Village.

21 Jan 2022