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06 Sep 22

Healthy Schools, Happy Children Webinar with A Zero-waste Approach and Sortage


Celebrating 77th Indonesia Independence Day, ars86care foundation held the “Healthy School, Happy Children” webinar on August 21st, 2022 via zoom applications, as part of ars86care foundation webinar series on 2022.  This fourth event continue the previous July webinar for ars86care’s Paguyuban Mitra in 4 municipalities, Demak, Grobogan, Gunungkidul and Boyolali.

Opening the event, a welcome speech from Mr. Riyadi D. Ekariyanto, chairperson of ars86care foundation motivated the participants focused on the presentation from speaker Mrs. Britania Sari, environmentalist, practitioner of zero-waste living, consultant, and trainer of permaculture farming. The webinar topics attracted teachers, parents, village school communities, and the foundation’s volunteers and friends, since it is related closely to our daily lives.

Creating a safe, healthy school environment requires massive movement from the stakeholders, teachers, parents, local authorities, and children themselves. To know the reason why and how opens up the participants perspective of how big and deep the impact of each household produces its daily trash, affects the city, even country and world, trash management back and forth. The change begins from home, and schools, in order to introduce and encourage parents and their children to start a zero-waste program. For instance, using a multi-use food container and tumbler for child’s lunch had to become a habit, as well as start to reduce the habit of producing trashes. Moreover, our speaker Mrs. Sari encourage participants to learn more about managing the trashes, making compost for plantings etc. All these steps lead us to create a healthier living environment, it can be applied at home and schools. These will help caregivers understand and carry on the habit to the children, on how to become a more responsible person, interacting with their environment and the communities as well.

Previously, teachers of Paguyuban Mitra had been challenged to present each schools’ practicality program on three topics (optimizing school yards, school waste management and healthy-safe schools) by making a short video. Our panel of judges select the most applicable activities that can be adopted by schools in many areas in Indonesia.  19 videos submitted from 19 schools out of 37 school partners, and published in Yayasan Arsitek86 Peduli YouTube channel. Others than judges’ selection, one winner has selected from the most views during a two-week public viewing time on YouTube. Our judges are Mrs. Marini Widowati (ars86care foundation), Mrs. Rachmi Tadjoedin (architect and practitioner), and Mrs. Ariesta Komala Santi (community leader). And the winner are:

  • 1st winner: PKK Kelor Kindergarten in Karangmojo, Gunungkidul
  • Most views on YouTube: Pertiwi Kunti Kindergarten in Andong, Boyolali
  • Judges’ Favorite 1: Mardi Putro I Kindergarten in Guntur, Demak
  • Judges’ Favorite 2: Pertiwi I Senting Kindergarten in Sambi, Boyolali
  • Judges’ Favorite 3: Dharma Wanita III Tunjungharjo in Tegowanu, Grobogan


The webinar is intended to complete the call-to-action movement by motivates teachers, parents, and the school community on how the school should be taken care of and empowered, by practicing zero-waste program. By creating a healthy-safe environment, we are contributing a better future for our children.

Ars86care foundation acknowledge the supports from our donors, and highly appreciate to all participants, especially to our speaker Ms. Britania Sari and panel of judges of the video challenge. Yes, we can! Together building a supportive encouraging community for Indonesian Children in reaching a better future.

06 Sep 2022