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- Bahasa Indonesia

Greetings to all friends and family of ars86care foundation.
2021 has been the new normal for a lot of us. We share so many joys throughout the year despite the hardship of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Many have adjusted with social distancing, having to work as well as conducting school from home. But all seems to become just a little better each day at a time.
We started this year with a project called the One Chair for A Million Dream, a project in collaboration with many individual donors as well as communities to hand in hand fund-raise to provide a school building for Pertiwi Pelemrejo Kindergarten in Boyolali Municipality, Central Java.
The project was soon followed by a series of online webinars, celebrating occasions such as Indonesia's Independence Day, Indonesia's Heroes Day and was closed by a Virtual Musical Performance in support of our end of year fundraising effort.
The immense support we received this year brought us 3 new school partners, Pertiwi Kunti Kindergarden, Pertiwi Kedunglengkong Kindergarten and Pertiwi 1 Senting Kindergarten, making it our 34th, 35th and 36th school in total spreading across Central Java.
We dedicate today, for all volunteers, family, donors, communities as well as teachers and children in our village partner area who have been extra patient and supportive of all our hard work. Without your involvement, none of our achievements would have come true.
Here's to another great year ahead! Together, we can create a proper access to a quality early childhood education for future leaders of Indonesia.
Thank you.
Merry Christmas and happy new year!
Warm regards,
ars86care foundation team