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Struggling through the impact of pandemic situation during 2020 – 2021, especially in the education sector, we still be confident that facilitate proper access to quality early childhood education shall be highly prioritized. Therefore, ares86care foundation starts 2022 conducting the Space to Build program with Pertiwi Pelemrejo Kindergarten. The school which is located in Pelemrejo Village, Andong District, Boyolali Municipality has become the 37th school partner in total and the 12th in Boyolali Municipality.
Ars86care foundation works hand in hand with independent organizations, communities, individuals as well as corporations. Not only do these third parties give financial support, they also contribute in using their skill for our benefit, networking, professional expertise, and in-kind donation. In all that time, we have now managed to expand our school communities in areas such as Demak, Grobogan, Gunungkidul, and Boyolali Municipality, Central Java. A total of 37 school communities have benefited from our programs.
Marked with an MoU signing on the 17th of December 2021, Pertiwi Pelemrejo construction project starts ars86care program in 2022 At the same day of the MOU signing, ars86care foundation held the Hand Over Ceremony in Senting village for our 36th school partner in Sambi District. Having one school project finished at the end of 2021, we are happy to start another school project for Pelemrejo village. The current school condition for Pelemrejo Kindergarten highlights the urgency needed for it to have its own building. Since its establishment, the school had been moving using different spaces depending on the availability of the Village property. Currently, it is borrowing the village unused property in the village administrative complex (Balai Desa). This shall be separated due to specific learning activities needing specific facilities to be accommodated properly. The school construction process started on 20th December 2021 and is projected to be finished by the end of April 2022 (before the Eid Al Fitr Holiday).
Although general condition in Indonesia affected by the pandemic has gotten better at the end of 2021, the MOU signing in Pelemrejo Village is still conducted with strict Covid-19 protocols. All attendees are expected to wear masks, practicing social distancing and limiting participants as well as the short duration of the ceremony. Even so, we can still feel the enthusiasm from the Village Community with an attendance from District Coordinator PAUD & Dikdas LS Andong, Head Village Bpk. Choliq Ansori, S.Kom, Head of School Committee Bpk. Ngadimin, S.Pd. accompanied by Ibu Sri Rokayatun, S.Pd and teachers. Ars86care foundation was represented by Bapak RIyadi D. Ekarityanto as Chairman accompanied by ars86care foundation local partners Dewi Wikhe and Taryono. The Signing was held in the Village Meeting Hall located side by side with the new school building. The Village Community showed tremendous support, since the school is located in the center of the village, easily accessible to accommodate village activities necessity at large.
The school facility is also equipped with Covid 19 Response tools and will hopefully be ready for regular learning activities. The immense support for Pelemrejo Kindergarten is gathered from various donors through our “One Chair for a Million Dream” program (started in the early 2021), Virtual Musical Performances “Anak Indonesia Berbagi Bahagia” (held on 12th of December 2021- in cooperation with Aksi Cinta Indonesia and Bagusforeningen in Sweden). We would also like to extend our gratitude to Symphasis Foundation – Switzerland who has supported ars86care foundation 37th school project. We hope all the benefits gained by Pelemrejo Kindergarten will be properly used by the school as well as the village community in Pelemrejo Village.