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This year, ars86care foundation had organized a school capacity building workshop in two separate locations within the Yogyakarta area. This event was funded by Credit Suisse and took place on the 29th of March until the 1st of April. The first event held on the 29th – 31st of March was located in Demak municipality. The second event held on the 30th of March until the 1st of April took place in Grobogan municipality.
In order to cover ars86care’s eleven schools in Demak and Grobogan municipalities, the workshop was conducted in three locations in Mranggen, Guntur and Tegowanu sub districts. School Community Capacity Building 1 was held in October 2015 at Mranggen sub district Demak, where five (5) out of eleven (11) ars86care schools were located. School Community Capacity Building Workshop 2 was held in Guntur sub district, Demak municipality where two (2) out of eleven (11) ars86care schools were located, while School Community Capacity Building Workshop 3 was held in Tegowanu sub district, Grobogan municipality, where four (4) out of eleven (11) ars86care schools were located. Beneficiary from the program is two hundred thirty nine (239) schools teachers and principals from five (5) sub-districts in two (2) municipalities Demak and Grobogan in Central Java. Through this Capacity Building Workshop, the school community benefitted by ars86care workshop was also prepared to be resourceful and moreover may become the agent of change in their neighborhood.
The purpose of this Training of Trainer is to increase kindergarten principals and teachers capacity about the important position of Early Childhood Education to provide Child Friendly School (including green building concept or environment friendly school, child friendly school, inclusive school, disaster preparedness, and sanitation) as children right fulfillment, to build children character and creativity in order to develop the children full potential.
It is hoped that the teachers and principals may transfer their knowledge taken from the training and workshops to be shared to other educators in the same school as well as the other schools in the area, and especially to teach their pupils, and the parents. In the long run, the attendants may become the agent of change under their circumstances.
The theme of the training was Children’s Right fulfillment for Early Childhood Education Teachers which were elaborated to Introductory to Children Right, Child Friendly School, Literacy for Early Childhood, and Reading Corner for School in the first two days. The third day was an active hands-on experience in creating educational tools using recycle material. The training was facilitated by expert in the fields, mostly were appointed as expert in national level of authority. Similar training was conducted in three days (29, 30, 31 March) at Guntur sub district, Demak municipality, attended by total ninety one (91) kindergarten principals and teachers.
The workshop was successfully attended by eighty eight kindergarten principals/teachers and recognized as one of a kind workshop in the area, supported by sub district government (in-kind donation in the form of: venue, presentation tools, sound system, and furniture). The three days training certificates signed by head of education and sport department of Tegowanu sub district (UPTD Dikpora) have been granted to the attendances and recognized as a teacher’s training achievement that improve their teaching’s skill.