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Early Childhood Education has become one of the primary focus of ars86care foundation’s programs. Our program provides access to a quality early childhood education for children in rural areas of Central Java. The impact from this program directly benefits 1,200 children/year in Demak, Grobogan, Boyolali, and Gunungkidul Municipalities. On the 11th of March 2023, we celebrate the heroes behind the successes achieved by these programs by organizing an online Webinar, The Hero Within You: Hero for the Early Childhood.
Meet Ibu Marie Alamrie, Bapak Tondy Lubis, Ibu Mita Jasmine, Bapak Henry Hanindia, Samuel Agra Sianipar, as well as Jacob Bowen. Each brought their own stories and explained how their story contributed to helping children gain access to a proper early childhood education. With each story comes passion and creativity in fundraising for schools which are in need for renovation. Samuel Agra Sianipar is one of the youngest amongst them, as a teenager he went to ars86care foundation Volunteering Event and started exercising his hobby in photography. When he came back home, he had the idea to create a calendar from the pictures he had taken during his volunteer trip. He sold the calendar to his peers and managed to raise IDR 10,000,000. His inspiring story and experience help build Srimulia Karangtalun in 2020.
Others also shared their experience, with motivational and kind words of support like Ibu Marie and Bapak Tondy. Bapak Hanin also offers inspirational speeches in which he advocates for happy teachers as a pillar for a happy and healthy child in school. Ibu Mita Jasmine is a very passionate volunteer who attended ars8c6are foundation Volunteering Event, volunteered as a judge in one of our webinars, and donated kits during the pandemic for children who weren’t able to go to school. Her experience shares the same storyline as that of Jacob, who volunteered with ars86care foundation and went to see the early stages of school renovation, the school after renovation, as well as the teacher’s training program. His unique experience oversees the entire circle of programs at ars86care foundation which created a safe learning place for children and capacity building for the teacher’s community.
These journeys of each volunteer and donor are met with each beneficiary present during the Webinar who shares their side of the story of how impactful each help is for each child in the community. Ibu Siti Yuliani is among the beneficiaries who attended and spoke on the Webinar. She is the first teacher representing the first ever school helped by ars86care foundation in 2012. She shares how, with each passing year, an increasing number of children are present in the school and how much joy it is to teach happy children in a healthy school environment.
We hope these webinars will inspire other communities to see just how much a small gesture of help can change a child’s life. Together we can hand in hand help more children in need.