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Following the finished construction work on PKK Kelor Kindergarten and PKK Klayu Kindergarten, ars86care foundation held two separate events to commemorate the moment. The first was Hand Over of the two newly construction school and the second was a Volunteering Event.
The Hand Over was held at PKK Kelor Kindergarten, attended by Head of Sumberwungu Village, Head of Kelor Village, Head of UPT PAUD & SD for Karangmojo District, and Head of UPT PAUD & SD for Tepus District, Gunung Kidul. The idea behind a Hand Over is to hand back the school to the community and the village after months of construction work. The construction resulted in better spaces, better air circulation, and better playground all to benefit the learning experience for these children. As part of the Space to Build Program, the school is designed to meet the need of a Child Friendly School.
Volunteering Event was held recently, on the 18th of August 2017 at PKK Klayu Kindergarten. Attended by 37 volunteers who are encouraged to participate in activities, which help the school to be ready for use. Activities varied with a mix of physical and creative work. Volunteers were keen on getting involve with these different activities like making a herbal corner which they planted ready to use herbs, creating their own vertical garden and making water absorption holes (which help composes dry leaves into fertilizer).
Other activities include painting classroom equipment’s such as chairs and tables, designing it with different paint pattern to make it that much more attractive for the children. The children themselves are involved in making their very own placemats for mealtime with creative stamp design made out of fruits and vegetables. For teenage volunteers (we had several of them) helped with making signage throughout the school, reminding children to save water, electricity, toilet usage etc.
The event closes with a small tour through the village, showcasing how the community lives, housing, farming, and delivering their food product to the village. It is interesting to learn how one school has such a meaningful impact for the village community. They now have a property, which belong to them, which made them proud, and within that sense everyone relates to keeping the school working and preserving it for the next generation.
Ars86care foundation will continue to serve the community by providing them child friendly spaces in villages. Advocating that children’s right to learn and play is just as important as any other, especially since they are the next generation of the country.