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26 Oct 17

Ars86care Teacher’s Training Program


Community enrichment is one of ars86care foundation program to elevate the community capacity building in the foundation’s geographic focus area, aiming the early childhood education teachers. The program objectives are synchronized with the foundation vision and mission, and can be elaborated in the following:


  • To develop the school community capacity building (early childhood education) in Central Java and Special Region of Yogyakarta
  • To conduct teacher’s training and to elevate the teacher’s capacity in three municipalities Demak and Grobogan in Central Java and Gunung Kidul in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
  • To build the school community awareness on Child-friendly School and Green Living Lifestyle


Two hundred forty principals from five districts, Mranggen, Guntur, Gubug, Tegowanu and Karangawen in Demak and Grobogan municipalities, Central Java became the direct beneficiaries for the teacher’s training program during 2015 to 2016. In three days, the school principals have received the comprehensive training materials from conceptual to practical knowledge to help them run their school in daily basis. First of all the content covers the educators’ role to build the children resiliencies based on the Child’s right. Second, the Child-friendly School “know-how” placing children’s participation from the early process of the school development. Last of all, teacher will know how to manage a child-friendly school and the environment friendly daily habit in school. By the last day of training, the principals gained new skill on how to create educational tools by recycled material through hands-on training.


Taking a competition method, the groups of principals tried to create their best education material to become the model. Supported by Credit Suisse for six consecutive years, ars86care school and community enrichment program is expected to show measured impact in the school community. For example, based on the observation, the reading nook in class were provided in a more innovative way, the children learned to apply the environment friendly habit such as wash hand in environment friendly way and saving water. The other example was the usage of recycled material to create art in the class. “The training was amazing, we learned tips to deal in a gentle way with the children based on the Child’s Right”, said one of the principal. Another said, “a new recipe which is affordable to make basic art material to be used in the classroom were taught, it’s very useful.” Based on the observation, the schools supported by the foundation were cleaner and greener, especially the school where the community awareness had been raised.


The success stories will continue to be conducted by the teacher’s training support from Eight for Agape for the year 2018. The coverage area will include Demak, Grobogan, and Gunung Kidul municipalities where the foundation have helped the community to build their early childhood education buildings (twenty one schools up to 2017), while also helped to enhance the community capacity.



26 Oct 2017