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On the period of March until April, ars86care Foundation had successfully held a Teacher’s Training Program in Demak and Grobogan Municipality involving over 287 teachers within several District including Mranggen, Guntur, Tegowanu, Karangawen, Gubug, and Tanggungharjo.
Our Program would not have been successful if it wasn’t for the generous donation from the EIGHT for AGAPE Foundation and in cooperation with Al-Jabr Islamic School. Both partners are in line with ars86care Foundation to increase teachers’ capacity in teaching.
The idea of this program is to elevate the teacher’s knowledge of teaching method and have them certified at the end of the course. Ars86care Foundation worked with several different key speakers for this event and other organization to conduct a 3-day training. This event was fully supported by the Education and Cultural Authorities, Demak and Grobogan Municipality, Central Java Province and the IGTKI (teachers community) in Mranggen, Karangawen, Guntur and Tegowanu District. The overwhelming community support also becomes a key factor to the establishment of this program.
In the period of March to April, three big training were conducted in different areas :
The event involved several key speaker which cater to the major topics, including:
Each speaker had different session to conduct, with different materials. As a partner of ars86care Foundation, Al-Jabr Islamic School provided an introduction to the Montessori practice, which could easily be adapted by Kindergarten. Along with that, they also kindly gave handouts with detailed materials as well as supply kits for the teachers to take home.
Each teacher participated gave out a tremendous energy towards each session, and were very keen on learning more and more. For them, the learning experience is something they could take back to their classroom and also share with their neighboring schools.
“All form of training was very organized and all the teachers were keen on them, because in order to innovate we need new knowledge especially in the creativity department” Sri Yuliani, S.Pd, Bunga Harapan II Kindergarten
“Very thankful for the opportunity to attend the teachers training program, had gain more skill, knowledge, creating creative tools to educate which hopefully could be adapted in my classroom” Siti Aminah, Sidodadi 2 Kindergarten.
ars86care Foundation hope to be able to cater to these teachers by addressing their needs of innovation, motivation, and creativity. With them having the capacity to grow, it will surely translate to how the children adapt in the classroom.
“Adding knowledge and motivation for the teachers so that they could teach the children to become more creative and innovative” Kusmiyati, Al-Ikhlas Kindergarten.
“I am very please with this training, I gained knowledge, motivation, and the love and respect for the environment” Umi Farikhah, Suryo Budi Kindergarten, Guntur District.