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- Bahasa Indonesia

Dear Friend,
Thank you for supporting ars86care foundation for the last 10 years. Our Donors have been kindly supporting us into achieving School Renovation Program on 24 Kindergarten to date, in the area of Demak-Grobogan, Semarang region (14 schools), and Gunung Kidul, Jogjakarta region (10 schools), in Indonesia. This result not only gave children a proper access to education but also the establishment of a child-friendly school, which we advocate immensely. Since our foundation relies on the generosity of our Donors, we write to ask you to support our cause.
Our current Project, a School Renovation Program on our 25th School will be underway soon. Penadaran is a Village located 60km of Semarang, Central Java Indonesia with a dense population of people, mostly farmers. The Village has one Kindergarten which holds approximately 50 students every year. The current school condition is far from safe for the children's daily activities. Every day these students study in an old building with constant leaking from the roof (especially during rainy season), a minimum air circulation, cracked floors, no playground, and no light. We invite you to care for these children and help provide them with a proper space to learn and play.
Your support will be responsible for changing the opportunity of children who never could imagine learning in a safe space environment. The life-changing opportunity will be greatly appreciated by the children, the parents, the teachers and the village community. We encourage you to click this link and read the powerful stories that you will help make possible.
Thank you again and let's help these children earn their right to a safe space to learn and play.
Kindest Regards
Anjani Sasikirana