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In searching for an ideal kindergarten educators, more than tenth groups of kindergarten teachers from Wonosari and Karangmojo districts of Gunungkidul, Special region of Yogyakarta, worked together and learned to know their own strength by drawing their character representative symbol using crayons, last October. During three days or 32 hours of trainings, the teachers gain the knowledge as well as practical tips to be applied at their own schools in daily basis. “This workshop was extra ordinary, the organizer was great, the speakers were good, and inspiring me as an educator,” said Rohmawati, ABA Kwangen kindergarten, Gunungkidul. 1,076 kindergarten teachers had participated to the basic and advance training and gained the municipality level of certifications.
During the year of 2018, ArchitectCare had successfully conducted series of teachers training for kindergarten educators. The knowledge ranged from Child’s Right Convention for early childhood education, language literacy, child-friendly school and environment friendly school as basic training. Furthermore, in the advance training the content included such as educators character buildings and team works, how to make creative learning tools from recycle materials, Montessori concept from philosophy to practice, and inquiries method to strengthen the K-13 curriculum. By the end of the training, the teachers or principals who represented their institution were expected to facilitate their teacher fellows back in schools. The source persons of the training were experts in the fields and had a high profiles track record in their own field, including Hamid Patilima, Roosie Setiawan, Dwi Murtayuningsih, Nur Muflikah, Provita Niekeen Chrisdiyana, Anas Kamaludin and Langit Biru team, and Marini Widowati.
Our gratitude to Credit Suisse Asia Pacific Philanthropy Grant, Eight for Agape, Al Jabr International Islamic School, as well as Demak, Grobogan, and Gunungkidul municipalities’ head of Education and Culture department for their cooperation. Thanks also the regional offices at Mranggen, and Guntur in Demak, Tegowanu, in Grobogan, and the village at Wareng in Wonosari and Semanu State Kindergarten for letting using their multifunction hall for the teachers training venue. Thanks to the regional coordinator of Mranggen, Karangawen, and Guntur in Demak, Tegowanu, Gubug and Tanggungharjo in Grobogan, and Wonosari, Karangmojo, Semanu, Tepus, and Tanjungsari in Gunungkidul. Moreover, thanks to the ArchitectCare partner or Paguyuban Mitra Yayasan Arsitek Peduli from Demak-Grobogan and Gunungkidul as the organizing committees and volunteers. We couldn’t have done these without all your support.
The teachers training program conducted by ArchitectCare was part of the community enrichment program to elevate the school communities’ capacities at the kindergartens supported by ArchitectCare throughout Demak and Grobogan municipalities in Central Java, and Gunungkidul municipality in the Special Region of Yogyakarta and beyond. Up to the end of 2018, 25 schools had been rebuilt throughout Demak, Grobogan, and Gunungkidul and more than 60 teachers were ready to become the agent of change in the area surroundings their schools. The indirect impact of the program covered minimum two times of 1.076 teachers participated in the trainings that were held by the ArchitectCare foundation, because of their moral obligation to share to the teachers in their own institutions. (MW)