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Embarking on 2019 ars86care Foundation has set to continue its mission to help infrastructure provision in rural parts of Central Java. The Foundation is proud to announce that 2019 marks it’s third area venture, Boyolali Municipality, Central Java. The target is to help at least 10 Kindergarten in poor physical condition or even Kindergartens, with no physical building on it’s own and has to borrow rooms or area from neighboring facilities. The goal is to strengthen the School Communities from the schools we helped built and encourages them to spread the awareness of the importance of early childhood education.
On the 14th of December 2018, Rajawali Foundation had signed a Memorandum of Understanding, with ars86care Foundationproviding the grantto start it’s first School Renovation Project in 2019. The beneficiary of this project is Pertiwi 1 GunungKidergarten,Gunung Village, Simo District, Boyolali Municipality. The project will help 32 students (2018/2019) and 3 teacherswho operates on daily basis.
The current condition of the school needs further improvement with holes in the ceiling, roof leakage, unstable roof structure and poor condition of playing equipment. The funding from Rajawali Foundation will be allocated to provide two classrooms, teacher’s room, a mini pantry, two separate toilets, and playground area. The Kindergarten will also be equipped with green living features, including vertical garden, water absorbent holes, and herbs garden.
We are hopeful that this first project in 2019 is the beginning of many others to come.