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The year 2019 starts with great enthusiasm on running programs with bigger impacts to broaden our foundation beneficiaries. In addition to two schools infrastructure provision in Boyolali area, Central Java this semester, architectCare foundation has committed to reduce the disparities of kindergarten teachers capacities in thirteen districts out of eighteen districts of Gunungkidul municipality, Special Region of Yogyakarta, in which 5 districts have already been trained in 2018.
The basic module of training consist of spreading the main principle of Child’s Right which includes non-discrimination; devotion to the best interests of the child; the right to life, survival, and development; and respect for the views of the child. Nowadays, it is necessary to sow the non-hatred value which is synchronized with the Indonesian ideology Pancasila and the main constitutions as the pillars, to children since their early age and golden age. This training also include on leadership and entrepreneurship for the kindergarten school community, as the addition to early childhood education curriculum.
The global issue hasalso become an important message in this training, through Child-friendly and Environment-friendly School Management. The school community should create space and access to Child’s potential development as well as to caring the environment in their daily life. The teachers interactively work-out on the reduce-reuse-recycle (3R) concept, which is elaborated to practical tips on how to separate trash and sanitation, how to save water, how to reduce the use of plastic, until how to create educational tools using recycle materials.
The training will be held for three days equivalent to 32 hours of learning with certification that is recognized by Education services in Gunungkidul municipality. Benefitting 395 teachers, the training will be conducted in 4 batches. First batch covering Ponjong, Girisubo, and Rongkop districts will be held in Ponjong district at 26 to 28 February. Second batch, will be held at Ngawen district from 27 February to 1 March, include four districts (Semin, Ngawen, Ngilpar, and Gedangsari). Third batch, including Patuk and Playen districts will be held at 26 to 28 of March in Playen district. And the fourth batch will be held at Saptosari district, covering Paliyan, Saptosari, Panggang, and Purwosari on 27 to 29 of March.
architectCare foundation success story in teachers training started back in 2015, where the first teachers training program launched. Up to now, the beneficiaries includes 1,076 kindergartens teachers in Demak, Grobogan, and Gunungkidul municipalities. The program expects to increase the capacity of the kindergarten teachers, which is mostly woman in their young age. Participants will have a commitment to share what they have learnedto at least two other teachers or young mothers, to become the agent of change in their school community. Therefore, the sustainability of the program can be achieved. It is public private partnership program which includes the municipality and district government, the Indonesia kindergarten teachers associations (IGTKI), the school community, and the civil society Eight for Agape who makes this pro-bono teachers training event happened