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The role of the teacher is vital in creating a good quality learning process. From this process, it is expected that the students will benefit, and eventually improve the quality of education itself in general. Therefore, capacity building for teachers is a necessity.
By the end of last March, ars86care Foundation had organized a capacity building for Kindergarten teachers and Principals in Gunungkidul Municipality, Yogyakarta. This time targeting to cover teachers from six districts in Gunungkidul Municipality. First, the Playen and Patuk district were held on 26th to 28th of March 2019 and second, Saptosari, Paliyan, Panggang, and Purwosari district were held on 27th to 29th of March 2019.
For three days, enthusiasm of the participants who attended the training (approximately 205 teachers) could be seen very clearly as they walked into the Korwil Playen District Hall. The teachers were also given group task to create educational learning tools from recycled materials. They also had to present their craft to an audience of other participants. To raise their spirit, all participants were cheering with spiritfull chants to boost their excitements
Every early childhood educators who participated in this training were very happy to take part in this capacity building training. “Glad to take part in this activity. It turns out that we can utilize recycled materials creatively and innovatively, so that they become a teaching tool at school,” says Martinah, ABA Panggang XII Kindergarten.
Besides utilizing recycled goods as a creative teaching tools, the other material received by the participants was about understanding children's rights for early childhood educators, child-friendly school room and environment, along with leadership and entrepreneurship for early childhood educators. There are 604 schools in total so far, that have received training materials about children’s right, thus fulfill one of Child Friend City indicator.
This event is in cooperation between ars86care foundation and Departement of Education, Youth, and Sports (DIKPORA) Gunungkidul Municipality, Regional head of of Education, Youth and Sport Division of Playen and Patuk district, Gunungkidul Kindergarten Teachers Associations, and Ars86care Foundation partners in Gunungkidul. Sponsored by Eight for Agape, who has supported this event eight times for two consecutive years.
Ars86care foundation consistently organizes teacher capacity building which is included in the Word to Share program. Where this program aims to build public awareness of Child- friendly Spaces as Child's Right fulfilment and the implementation of green living lifestyle. The target of this program is to achieve a child-friendly environment that can be applied in school at the urban as well as rural context.