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21st of April, is remembered as the day we celebrate a true icon for Indonesian women, who was a pillar in women empowerement, Raden Adjeng Kartini. Her ways of thinking open the possibilities for Indonesian women to obtain equal education and were able to dream and become somebody.
Women's empowerment and gender equality are essential component in our society to ensure the sustainable development of the country, which is also one of 17 Sustainable Developmet Goals. The complete and comprehensive development of a country demands the extensive role of women in all aspects of life. So that women’s role in national development becomes a potensial asset and a significant contributor both as agents of change and as subjects of development.
Empowerment of women is a necessity for the very development of a society, since it enhances both the quality and the quantity of human resources available for development.
Kartini Day commemoration is a momentum for us to improve women's empowerment in Indonesia. By empowering women, we create a stronger community.
Since its founding in 2007, ars86care foundation has successfully held capacity building training program for early childhood educators. This training is part of a community enrichment program to increase the capacity of kindergarten teachers and principals from schools that we have helped rebuild as well as the surrounding school districts. It is expected that the impact of the training program will cover at least twice the total of 1119 teachers who have participated in this program.
ars86care foundation had conducted Teachers Training for over 1000 kindergarten teachers with a majority of women across Demak and Grobogan Municipality, Central Java and also Gunungkidul Municipality, Special Region of Yogyakarta.
So, let's embrace all the women around us and dedicate ourselves to build a stronger community.