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17 May 19

Monitoring and Evaluation on Four Kindergartens in Demak and Grobogan, Central Java

monitoring and evaluation ars86care foundation
monitoring and evaluation ars86care foundation
monitoring and evaluation ars86care foundation
monitoring and evaluation ars86care foundation
monitoring and evaluation ars86care foundation

The Monitoring and Evaluation step is a continuous effort to sustain the Space to Build Program. The process allows us to set key performance indicators and evaluate the achievement, and find out the Space to Build program impact at the school we have helped. The process is conducted 6 and 12 months after construction for each school, assuring the school community full commitment on sustaining the school.


Each school we helped were introduced to several key aspect to adopt the green living lifestyle and child friendly schools indicators. These key aspects include ideas and implementation of a vertical garden, planting, water absorption holes, rain water reservoir, trash managements, separate toilets for boys and girls, decorated wall (with mural painting) and playground area. The program implement child friendly school criterias on physical infrastructure as well as listening to the children voice. These key aspects lead to our accomplishment to build a child friendly school and an environment friendly school.


During each Monitoring and Evaluation visit, the team chosen will conduct interviews and focus group discussion with teachers, students, amd parents/ local community to evaluate how much they understand this new concept of the school and how well they adapt. In the end, the goal is for them to learn as a community to take care of the school and sustaining it for generations to come.




On the 24th and 25th of April 2019 ars86care foundation conducted a Monitoring and Evaluation on four out of total 27 schools from the Space to Build Program. Tunas Mekar Kindergarten, Bumiharjo Village, Demak Municipality and Dharma Wanita 1 Kindergarten, Karang Pasar Village, Grobogan Municipality, Central Java (2nd MonEv, 12 month after construction). Pertiwi Kindergarten, Penadaran Village and Dharma Wanita 2, Tanggungharjo Village, Grobogan Municipality, Central Java (1st MonEv, 6 months after construction).


It is important to build a sense of belonging of the program beneficiaries. The community within the village is still learning how to manage the school together, setting up days and rounds on when to clean the school property. They are also learning how to maximize the landuse, using the space they have to plant local herbs and other plants. 


The children have shown the ability to recognize the school facility, including using the toilet in a proper way, as well as adapting to new values such as queuing in the playground, and putting trash in the right trash bin, as seen in Tunas Mekar Kindergarten, Bumiharjo Village and Dharma Wanita 1 Kindergarten, Karang Pasar Village on its second round of Monitoring on Evaluation.


Meanwhile in Pertiwi Kindergarten, Penadaran Village and Dharma Wanita 2 Kindergarten, Tanggungharjo Village who went through its first Monitoring and Evaluation, the children could point out the difference between the old school and the new. Where the new school has its own area of playground complete with sets of playground equiptment. They could also explain on the difference physical condition between the old and the new school. The classrooms are brighter, and safe from leakage during the rainy season especially in Pertiwi Kindergarten. The teachers also feel much more comfortable as they could safely conduct daily learning acitivities without worrying of any rain water coming inside the room.


With these monitoring and evaluation we could compile the beneficiaries’ feedback and foresee the growth of the school. It is expected hopefully, that the school community could maintain their new school as well as to develop towards a healthy, safe, secure, and sustainable school community for generations to come.

17 May 2019