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Ars86care foundation had recently held it’s Hand-over Ceremony for two kindergaten, Pertiwi 2 Kindergarten at Jagoan Village and Pertiwi Kindergarten at Gunung Village on the 20th and 21st of May 2019. The Ceremony also marked the first two school built in Boyolali Municipality making it ars86care foundation 26th and 27th community based school.
The Hand-over Ceremony is part of the Space to Build Program where ars86care foundation hand the school back to the village community after finishing the construction process. Initially before the construction begins, ars86care foundation goes through an assesment process to determine which school location to help. After the finalized construction process the school will go through a Monitoring and Evaluation phase 6 and 12 months afterwards.
The Hand-over Ceremony in Pertiwi 2 Jagoan was held on the 20th of May of 2019. The Ceremony was attended by Jagoan Village Chief, representatives of the education body of Jagoan Village, Head of Indonesia Kindergarten Teachers Associations (IGTKI) Sambi District, School Committee, Principal, Teachers and children from Pertiwi 2 Jagoan Kindergarten. In past years, Pertiwi 2 Jagoan Kindergarten who currently has 31 students, did not have their own buildings and was borrowing an empty classroom from the Jagoan Primary School. The relationship between the two schools are close, both parties are in constant support of one another. Jagoan Primary School continuosly supported us throughout the construction process even until it came down to the Hand-over Ceremony, where children from the Primary School are actively helping the event by participating in may of the activities. There were various activities expanding throughout the Hand-over Ceremony including tree planting, creating vertical gardens, making water absorption holes as well as painting furniture and signage. Not to miss out on the fun are students from both Primary and Kindergarten who participated in singings and releasing pigeons and balloons to the sky.
Meanwhile, Hand-over Ceremony of Pertiwi Kindergarten Gunung was held the next day, on the 21st of May 2019. Attended by Gunung Village Chief, representatives of the education body of Gunung Village, Head of Indonesia Kindergarten Teachers Associations (IGTKI) Simo District, School Committee, Principal, Teachers and children from Pertiwi Kindergarten Gunung. The symbolic act of tree planting also signifies the Hand-over of Pertiwi Gunung Kindergarten. The children were happy to finally have their new school building, and was excited to perform during the event. The previous school was in no condition to function as a proper space to learn for the children. Alarming roof construction, poor ceilings quality which resulted in leaks, and cracked tiles.
The Space to Build Project which covers the construction of these two new Kindergarten are in partnership with our respectful Donors. Symphasis Foundation was the sole donor for Pertiwi 2 Jagoan Kindergarten and Rajawali Foundation was the sole donor for Pertiwi Kindergarten Gunung. Without their extensive help and trust to our program, none of these would have been possible. This act of kindness through philantrophy has managed to provide Kindergartens for these two villages for many generations to come. Local partners, school community, and education office and local officilas also play an important role of this process by supporting and assisting throughout the program.
In this ceremonial event, Mr. Riyadi D. Ekariyanto as Board Member of the ars86care foundation, expressed his gratitude and called for support and sustain these two schools.“ars86care foundation would like to say thank you for the support given to our projects and we hope that the school community as well as the local authorities will work hand in hand to sustain what we have built and help us achieve our mission to create a safe space for children to learn and play for many generations to come.”
Hand in hand with the school community, local authorities, and our respectful Donors we thrive to build a sustaiable community where more Indonesian children could have accsess to quality early childhood education.