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12 Aug 19



This year, ars86care foundation had the opportunity to participate in Festival Seni Rupa Anak Indonesia “Main’ which was conducted by Indonesia National Gallery (Galeri Nasional), Jakarta in the spirit of Children National Day which was commemorated every 23rd of July.


The Festival itself goes on for a whole month starting on the 23rd of July until the 23rd of August 2019 in cooperation with other parties such as the Basoeki Abdullah Museum, Dinas Kebudayaan DIY, Goethe-Institut Indonesoa, The Japan Foundation Jakarta, Bali Estetik Art (beArt), Barutulang Batuan Bali, Ganara Art, Hong Community, Sanggar Gambar Ananda Bandung, RovingLab, Picu Pacu Creative Children Community and ars86care foundation.


Apart from Art Installation which display artwork from children across Indonesia, the event also offered other activities such as workshop, movie screening, games, and story telling which involved active participation from children, parents and teachers. Ars86care foundation contributed by creating a workshop which showcased a DIY (do it yourself) to create Educational Learning Tools from recycled materials.


The workshop was held on the 30th of July 2019 which attracted over 26 participants coming from Depok, Tanggerang and Serang. The workshop was held in two sessions which had participants creating 3 different Educational Learning Tools including Piggy Bank made out of plastic bottle waste, woven from banner waste, and animal guessing games from used compact disc. We were welcoming kindergarten teachers and parents to try these method so they could creatively adapt them for students and children to play with. The workshop was design to inspire people to maximize the use of recyled materials and turning them into something educational. “It was a very fun to join the workshop from ars86care foundation, in hopes to increase our creativity “ Saras (participant from Depok).


The day after, which was the 31st of July 2019 ars86care foundation welcome children participants to coloring in “KOTAKU” picture book series which was published by ars86care foundation. 36 children were involved in the workshop and in between session children were asked to sing and played games which came with a story book prize. We also introduced children with our Educational Learning Tools which they tried to play. They were guessing numbers from used toilet paper cardboards and color matching from used bottle cap. The enthusiasm was overwhelming.


We hope in the future ars86care foundation will again participate in similar events. Ars86care foundation strongly support 4 of the Sustainable Development goals one of which thrive for quality education, which optimize children potential as part of the implementation on children’s right.

12 Aug 2019