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On the 6-9th of August 2019, ars86care foundation had successfully held a Teacher’s Training Program for Kindergarten teachers and principal which was attanded by 186 participants of 7 districts in Gunungkidul Municipality. On the 6-8th of Agust the training was held in Korwil Hall, PonjongDistrict which was attended 94 teachers who represents the district of Ponjong, Girisubo and Rangkap.On the 7-9th of August, the training was held in Korwil Hall, Ngawen district which was attended by 92 teachers who represent the distric of Ngawen, Semin, Nglipar and Gadangsari.
This is the second round of training in Ponjong and Ngawendistrict which was previously held on the 26th of February until 1st of March using the Basic Module materials. This time, the participants received a continuation of the training using the Advance Module Materials. The materials included Strengthening character and competence for Kindergarten teachers by ProvitaNiekeen, Montessori Practice, Strengthening K13 Practice and Inquiry by Marini Widowati as well as workshop introduction on creating Educational Learning Tools from recyclable materials. All participants are encourage to be proactive, with activities designed to stimulate discussion and group presentation. Meanwhile creating an Educational Learning Tool from recyclable materials are homework task which each participants had taken seriously and delivered creative and innovative result.
The training will continue on the 10-13th September 2019, which will take place in Playen and Saptosaridistrict which targets 6 districts in its surrounding including Playen, Patuk, Paliyan, Saptosari, and Purwosari. Upon its completion the entire Kindergarten Institution within the Gunungkidul municipality will have obtain 32 hours of training which can be used for accreditation in each of their school.
The training is in cooperation between ars86care foundation and the Department of Education and Sport (DIKPORA) Gunungkidul municipality as well as Coordinators of Service Area within DIKPORA district including Ponjong and Ngawen, the Kindergarten Teacher Association of Gunungkidul municipality and with the support from ars86care foundation teachers partner. Theprogram is also supported by the Australian Embassy through Direct Aid Program (DAP).