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25 Oct 19

Capacity Building of Kindergarten Teachers and Principals for 13 Districts in Gunungkidul Municipality


ars86care foundation had successfully organized it's Capacity Building program for Kindergarten Teachers and Principals in a form of Teacher's Training in Gunungkidul Municipality on August to September 2019. The training which was divided into 4 batches was attended by 386 participants from 13 districts, including Ponjong, Rongkop, Girisubo, Ngawen, Semin, Nglipar, Gdangsari, Playen, Patuk, Paliyan, Saptosari, Panggang, as well as Purwosari District. This program is an implementation of the ars86care foundation's Word to Share program, which is organized to improve the capacity of teachers's knowledge and teaching methods to be applied in everyday school activities.


Since 2015, ars86care foundation has been organizing it's Capacity Building Program for kindergarten teachers and principals in Demak, Grobogan, and Gunungkidul Municipality.  To date, a total of 2407 teachers have participated in this training. This year, ars86care foundation received funding from the Australian Embassy in Jakarta through it's DAP (Direct Aid Program) to continue its teacher training program in Gunungkidul Municipality. The primary objective of DAP is to promote sustainable community development initiatives that help communities boost their living standards which alligns well with ars86care foundation primary goals.


The Capacity Building Program, started with an assessment process on 16th to 18th of July. Followed by the teacher training in four regional representatives. On 6th to 8th of August in Ponjong District, 7th to 9th of August in Ngawen District, 10th to 12th of September in Playen District, and 11th to 13th of September in Saptosari District.


A total of 386 kindergarten teachers and principals have received training using advanced module materials, which included Strengthening character and competence for Kindergarten teachers by Provita Niekeen, Montessori Practice, Strengthening K13 Practice and Inquiry by Marini Widowati as well as workshop introduction on creating Educational Learning Tools from recyclable materials. All participants are encourage to be proactive, with activities designed to stimulate discussion and group presentation. Upon its completion the entire Kindergarten Institution within the Gunungkidul Municipality will have obtain 32 hours of training which can be used for accreditation in each of their school.


The training was well organized, thanks to cooperation between ars86care foundation and the Department of Education and Sport (DIKPORA) Gunungkidul Municipality as well as Coordinators of Service Area within DIKPORA including Ponjong, Ngawen, Playen and Saptosari District, the Kindergarten Teacher Association of Gunungkidul Municipality and support from ars86care foundation teachers partner in Gunungkidul Municipality as well as our local partners.


ars86care foundation hope to be able to cater the needs for each teacher by increasing their motivation, innovation as well as develop their creativity, which later can be implemented in their teaching method to increase children's abilities in learning.

25 Oct 2019