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Ars86care foundation Monitoring and Evaluation Session is a continuation step of the Space to Build Program. The goal is to evaluate and monitor how the beneficiaries are receiving the newly built school from the school construction project. The session is held 6 and 12 months after the construction phase is finished. During the Monitoring and Evaluation session, ars86care foundation conducts a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in separate sessions involving representative from the school community which include teachers, students, parents and village community to measure the impact of the newly build school. The FGD is also designed to see the commitment which the school Is providing to sustain the school existences.
On the 11-13th December 2019, the first Monitoring Evaluation for Pertiwi 2 Jagoan as well as Pertiwi Gunung Kidergarten was held. In parallel, a second Monitoring and Evaluation for Dharma Wanita 2 Tanggungharjo and Pertiwi 1 Penadaran Kindergarten was held.
Based on the Monitoring and Evaluation result held in Pertiwi Gunung and Pertiwi 2 Jagoan Kindergarten, the children are adjusting well to the new school facilities including washing their hands, usage of toilets, putting trash away in the bin and tidying up the classroom. While the village community in general are very grateful for the new facility. The School community are involved in many ways to monitor the school environment. Each Friday, parents from Pertiwi Gunung Kindergarten gather and clean the school area. Teachers maximize their new school facility by preparing healthy food for the students using the pantry area. The idea behind this is to establish a clean and healthy eating habits for the students as well encourage those who has difficulty with eating by themselves by eating meals together with their friends. The garden is facilitating the teachers to plant local herbs and food produce to grow. Parents from Pertiwi 2 Jagoan are still communicating to establish a habit to help clean the school area. Normally cleaning and maintain involves only one or two parents with the help from the teachers. Children are though to encourage and involve students to help decorate as well as tidying up the school area.
In Dharma Wanita 2 Tanggungharjo and Pertiwi 1 Penadaran the monitoring and evaluation process was held for the second time, after the first session held on the 24th and 25th of April 2019. The result showed a great sense of gratitude from the massive change in the facility they have received. The entire School Community feels huge sense of responsibility in maintaining the school. Dharma Wanita 2 Tanggungharjo Kindergarten just won second place in a Village competition on Healthy Kindergarten School. This is a result of a joined effort between parents and teachers in creating a habit of cleaning and maintaining the school facility. Students have also developed a habit of cleaning the school by putting trash in the bin, washing their hands and using the toilet properly. Although some from Penadaran 1 Kindergarten are still learning how to use these separate toilets as they are not use to it yet because they do not own one in their own houses. Using the drainage in the toilet is still a common thing they do from time to time. Students from Pertiwi 1 Penadaran as well as Dharma Wanita 2 Tanggungharjo can identify parts of the building like the floors, ceiling, and floors. Both students from each school are also taking responsible in tidying up toys after using them. The classroom wall which are decorated with murals is also a learning media as students can learn about color, shape and different types of animals. The ars86care foundation Teacher’s Training Program also gave a lot of inspiration for teachers in Pertiwi 1 Penadaran Kindergarteb to explore and create their very own Educational Learning Tools from recycled materials for children to learn and play. Teachers were also accessing ars86care foundation Youtube Channel to get inspiration in creating many more Educational Learning Tools. During this process our team has also found out that drought season tends to wither the trees and grass. Our next job is to find which plant could work best in these climate situation.
The Monitoring and Evaluation Process gave us a channel to receive feedbacks from parents, teachers as well as students in the Kindergartens we helped. This step allows us to evaluate and moderate changes within the program to suits the needs of each beneficiaries. Through this we are also hoping that everyone involve within the school community evolve a sense of responsibility to sustain the school making it a facility which can be used for many generations to come.